Build Meaningful Connections

Experience virtual events on the most innovative platform in the industry. Choose the experts who have been enabling millions of career connections for 15+ years.

Offering Unparalleled Service

More than a platform. Your Event Partner.

CareerEco Virtual Events knows what matters – You.

Recruiting | Admissions | Custom Events

Custom Events

The scale and scope you require


over one million candidates


over three thousand events


over fifty thousand companies/organizations


over fifteen years of innovating virtual events

Great Things Start Here

We help jobseekers and prospective students make connections with employers and college admissions teams.




Host an event without breaking a sweat. We do the setup, support, and service so you don’t have to.

Get your event running. Fast.

Host an event without breaking a sweat. We do the setup, support, and service so you don’t have to.

Great Things Start Here

We help jobseekers and prospective students to connect online with employers and college admissions teams.

Clients trust us.